Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

I hope you all had a wonderful new year. Sorry for my lack of posting. I guess I needed another break. I toyed with the idea of giving up blogging all together simple because I don't have a lot of extra time. But instead i've decided to keep the blog going for now but I probably will only post a few times a week. Whenever I start blogging again I want to go all out and try to do it almost everyday. I do not have time for that. So my goal is two maybe three times a week. You might not even get recipes. Unless it's a really good one.

The last month seemed to speed by. Let's start with some exciting professional news! I met my yearly commission goals! Booya!  Yep! Being on maternity leave for three months and still making it makes me feel like a million bucks.

Isaac learned to pull himself up. At first he wasn't confident about it. He'd get in a standing position and almost get stuck. He didn't know how to get down. Now he stands and then plops his butt down when he wants to get down. Pretty soon he'll start walking while holding onto furniture.

Isaac met his aunt and uncle. My brother and sister-in-law. He also met his cousin. It was lots of fun to see them together. 

The cousins also got to spend time with their other aunt and uncle. 

Sadly they didn't get to spend a ton of time together. A few days after we all arrived. Five us got the stomach flu including Dan, Isaac and me. Yep good times! 

We celebrated Christmas eve as a family at home. It was fun. 

We celebrated Christmas day with Dan's family 

We spent the new year just relaxing and spending time together. My parents came up and it was a good time. 

2012 was a great year!  It brought a beautiful baby boy into our family. He truly is amazing and I love him to pieces. I look forward to what 2013 has in store for us. 


  1. Sorry to hear you were all sick with a stomach virus over the holiday! Yay for Isaac's progress! Happy New Year!

  2. Isaac is getting so big! And he's so adorable!
